A house for is a proposal by Vacuum for Opengap in 2016. Unrevealed location. Its scale is small.

“The alternative classification model proposed by Goethe considers all samples within a series: from the simplest to the most complex; by common characteristics to all the samples, Goethe deduced the existence of a Urpflanze, a original archetypal plant , from which one could derive the form of all other plants” – Forty, Words and building – a vocabulary for modern architecture, Edizioni Pendragon, Bologna, 2004

From abacus of real cases to urform.
The research start with an ANALYSIS from abacus of real cases (H. 1, H. 2, H. 3, …), by a process of ABSTRACTION with three elements – 1. subject, 2. object, 3. place of each case, we can research the “base”, the archetipal “idea”, the original form, that can create the other infinite possible outcomes, and find the real FORMALIZATION of an idea (OPTION A…., OPTION B…., OPTION N…)

– SUBJECT “Life is the most urgent thing and the human has not changed so much since then. They still have the same every day’s needs, the same occupations, the same aspirations, the same dreams, and they always need a space where to live them, a void in which realize them”
(Aires Mateus. L’ architettura di Aires Mateus, Carlotta Tonon, Francesco Cacciatore, Electa, 2011)

– OBJECT “The house is intimately linked to the idea of refuge. A cave carved into the rock is like a mother’s womb. This is the concept of home that I protect. If I am fed up of the world I want to go home, where I can recover and prepare myself for the fight of the next day. Until there will be a man who needs a house, architecture will continue to exist […] a house should be like the mother’s womb”
(Mario Botta, “Houses”, Philip Jodidio, Taschen, 2011)

– PLACE “Living is build a refuge on land, under the heaven. Living is rooting. The foundations of the house are stuck in the ground. Living is marking human presence in the world. A simple stone stucked in the ground is sufficient to mark the human presence in the world. Living is the poetry that, first and foremost, makes living in a dwelling. Poetry is the authentic dwelling”.
(M. Heidegger, Costruire abitare pensare, Saggi e discorsi, Mursia, Milano 1976)

1967-UUM-UND-2016 — Posted in 2017 — Explore more projects on house and residential — Views: 6.899