Bologna restoration masterplan. Rovine Ruins is a proposal by Claudio C. Araya Arias Yahya Abdullah Ilaria Ottaviano Silvio Pennesi Monica Rucci and Marco Tasso for Young Architects Competitions in 2019. It is located in Bolognola Italy in an old town setting. Its scale is medium. Key materials are stone and metal.

Bologna restoration masterplan. Rovine

«Regeneration consists of the replacement of previously lost parts in order to restore original integrity. In architecture, this concept takes on an even stronger meaning when it acts not only in material goods but also in intangible values».

Within the general topic of reference concerning the study of the RUINS, three different declinations of the subject are proposed, one for each historical villa, which is to say one of the three portions that form the historical city center of Bolognola.

The last topic is very interesting and is about the court in correspondence of a block which still shows rather unaltered building features of the 14th and 15th century; being this the last part of Villa da Capo, the connection with the river and the natural source is immediate, and the fluvial environment, in this particular situation, can become a space for development.

Rovine – Ruins from the 14th century

The existence of this ruin at one of the limits of the villa, projects a timeless feeling mixed with an aggressive nature, which allows us to recognize a unique atmosphere, calm but dynamic, unlike the rest. It is because of this, that this particular point is wanted to be used for the center of a new cultural hub at the west end of the villa, present strategy of the restoration Masterplan for Bolognola.

The intervention proposes an appropriation of the interior as a nest, with which the interior will protects galleries, restaurants, cafes, and workshops.

The proposal wants to minimize and maintain the outside atmosphere, for this reason it was decided to only expose the elevated parts, imitating the situation that appears on winter seasons.

2663-CAA-IT-2019 — Posted in 2020 — Explore more projects on cultural cultural center and refurbishment — Climate: humid subtropical and temperate — Coordinates: 42.9940565, 13.2277694 — Views: 3.591