Casal de Joves Prosperitat
Architect: Miba architects
Client: BIMSA
Status: Competition (2018) Project (2018) On going
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Coordinates: 41.439881,2.181669
Climate: Mediterranean, Temperate
Materials: Concrete, Metal, Wood
Environment: Urban
Visualizer: Studio
Scale: 1.300 ㎡ Medium
Types: Civic center, Institutional

The project raises the urban enclosure of the youth center and the future social dwellings with two autonomous and simultaneously integrated operations. At a volumetric level, the proposal raises a gradual increase in the height to the north, where we find the highest blocks of the context, in order to maximize sunshine and generate a smooth volumetric transition between the public space and the large blocks of existing housing.

The Prosperitat youth center is the neuralgic center for citizen relation and participation in the neighborhood. The building must reflect and be the infrastructure for this reality: a place of encounter, exchange and debate.We propose a cloister type configuration, with the indoor programs organized around a single patio that can accommodate multiple programs and activities.

This type, in addition to facilitating and promoting collective activity, is very appropriate in our climate to consider a fundamentally passive thermal management and regulation. The cloister typology has great potential in our climate to maximize the passive climatic behavior of the building. In order to make the most of it and reduce energy dem and to a minimum, we have organized the area of circulation-relationship around the yard, so that it can act as a thermal regulator.

Competition: Casal de Joves Prosperitat | Team: Toni Montes, Laia Isern | Post date: 08/05/2018 | Views: 4.965