Complesso parrocchiale “Beato Paolo VI” is a winning proposal by Cavejastudio and Romano Pretolani developed in 2015. It is located in Forlí Italy in a undeveloped setting. Its scale is medium. Key material is concrete.

The architecture of the overall Parish is configured by means of a concave shape, which recalls ancient exedras of Roman origin and generates a public space that inspires a sense of welcome. Classroom liturgical and parish center are cohesive in a unified whole.

The central courtyard is an open elliptical but at the same time protected place, where they will be held cultural, religious and convivial. A fully active participation by the assembly of the faithful in the liturgy has been the main objective of the project for the nave. Around the presbytery the assembly is placed on three sides and this aspect creates a sense of community and closeness to the liturgical action that determine a strong involvement of the faithful during the celebrations. The development of the internal space of the new Church of Santa Maria del Voto in Romiti is characterized by strong dynamism generated by powerful perimeter brick walls.

If the ground plan the use of space is left free and flexible, without interruptions to planimetric level, from the point of view of internal volumetric space is treated in articulated manner. A wooden structure generates, by the share of two meters and a half up, a typical space of a church with a cruciform plan.

1499-CAV-IT-2015 — Posted in 2016 — Explore more projects on religious and religious center — Climate: humid subtropical and temperate — Coordinates: 44.223347, 12.025270 — Collaborator: Kristian Fabbri, Francesco Mariani, Laura Vestita, Federico Tassinari, Ylenia Donati — Views: 3.469