Estación Intermodal San Cristóbal is a proposal by MVRDV for ADIF in 2011. It is located in A Coruña Spain in a railway and urban setting. Its scale is large with a surface of 66.000 sqm. Key materials are brick and glass. Review the 2 proposals for the same competition.

The new station for A Coruña, el Rompeolas, transforms the current terminus station into a contemporary multi-modal knot. Apart from the current trains, this new transport interchange is to combine facilities for the new high-speed train, the city’s new Bus Station and a new car park. In addition to 8.000 m2 new train station facilities and 13.000 m2 bus station facilities, the plan foresees the creation of offices and a commercial centre over 34.000 m2, a hotel of 11.000 m2 and a public park.

Since this new station will be a major element in the city, design solutions have to be found that prevent the building from becoming a kind of barrier in the city. First off all, the new facilities that have been added to the station have been organised in the most effective and compact manner. Buses are organised more effectively around a new platform parallel to the trains. In fact all traffic will be organised parallel and a new transit hall will connect all of them in a coherent way. Taxis, drop-off and local buses are also put alongside of trains and regional buses.

This same principle is applied to new building volumes. Instead of creating a large sprawl of objects, the volume for the first phase (bus station, commercial facilities and offices ADIF) is put on top of and underneath the current building thus forming an elegant new object already in the first phase. In the second phase an expressive volume with an elegant internal plaza at Sardineira level will be built alongside. As an urban wave breaker, the enlarged station building receives the waves of passengers.

The enlarged surface of tracks and platforms could easily be a barrier between neighbourhoods. But dynamics caused by the arrival of the high-speed train and the replacement of the bus station in fact will make it possible to heal the urban tissue around the station again. The height difference between Sardineira and the new Avenida Estación can be use to create a new square, on the roof of the station. The structure covering the rail tracks looks for the maximum efficiency of its elements creating an undulated landscape on top and introducing daylight and the right ventilation underneath. The people of A Coruña who on sunny days gather in Station Square and walk up and down Sardineira, at last will find generous spaces and playgrounds on top of the new roof. Together with the flows of people below, the curvy roofscape floods against the station buildings. For the first time in years, the area will be almost completely accessible again. The station will be surrounded by public space, allowing easy access from and to the station for all. The connections for pedestrians are restored and the whole area will benefit from being part of the green corridor through A Coruña. In fact the station roof, the Park of Waves, will be an essential element of the greenbelt, with its grass, plants, trees and recreational facilities for all ages.

Passengers arriving and leaving from the station will feel strangely familiar. The old station is the base for the new, literally. The central hall will have a buzzing atmosphere, with train services and retail facilities added. On top of the old roof a new roof is added. On all floors activities are adding to the liveliness. The front façade is widened and well connected to a restructured plaza. On the first floor, a balcony is added. In the second phase new volumes are added holding a hotel, conference and restaurant facilities overlooking station square and the city. It will be the perfect place for business meetings and a clear sign of the importance of this building for the city. From the station hall the transfer lobby can be accessed, were train and buses are waiting under an elegant curved roof that which feature openings for daylight and ventilation. Well-designed waiting areas offer comfort and ease while waiting in the transfer zone and on the platforms. Who has more time can do some shopping or find different restaurants and bars. For the whole neighbourhood commercial and office facilities will become a catalyst for urban renewal. The station hall (El Rompeolas), station square and its surroundings all give access to the new station roof, the Park of Waves.

0300-MVR-ES-2011 — Posted in 2011 — Explore more projects on train station and transport — Climate: oceanic / maritime and temperate — Views: 4.507