Housing in Antwerp is an academic project by Alejandro Moreno for Universiteit Antwerpen. It is located in Antwerp Belgium in an urban setting. Its scale is large with a surface of 29.000 sqm. Key material is concrete.

The masterplan has been developed using a grid based on the preexisting buildings. According to that grid, we made first the main connections green axis and cul de sacs, afterwards we splitted the plot into six big neighbourhood areas that work independently from each other but at the same time are part of the whole masterplan.

These neighbourhoods have their own identity and common spaces that are usually shared by different buildings. The main goal is to create a new urban structure in between the two existing to upgrade the connections between them but preserving the advantages of living surrounded by green spaces.

The neighbourhood areas had been designed putting special attention into the spaces in between buildings and the transition between the public space and the private using green buffers and different levels as you can see in the picture. It is also about perspective, about the sequence of spaces and also about how the user enters and interact with that spaces. As you can see in the picture, the whole masterplan was designed to create visual perspectives through it, or gradual transitions between the space enclosed by the buildings and the exterior space. Also, the different levels and the stairs allows us to create different atmospheres.

The collective housing building is made of four different elements. First of all, the two ground floors whose use can be changed through time and that are made of some structural elements that are repeated on all the buildings of the masterplan so that the user experiences it like an unitary space. Following the ground floor we find the apartments designed for families and single people and trying to satisfy todays society’s needs.

As Louis Kahn did in the Richards Medical Centre, the staircase is placed outside of the main building which makes it more flexible. Finally, all that elements are tied up with a concrete frame. All apartments have their own terrace with a winter garden so that depending on the season the terrace becomes bigger or smaller.

2434-AMO-BE-2019 — Posted in 2019 — Explore more projects on housing and residential — Climate: oceanic / maritime and temperate — Views: 5.063