Magnifica Fabbrica is a sixth prize competition entry by Mattia Bocchini gga architetti neostudio and dodimoss for Comune di Milano and Teatro alla Scala in 2022. It is located in Milan Italy in an industrial setting. Its scale is large with a surface of 51.230 sqm. Key material is metal. Luce atelier collaborated as visualizer. Review the 2 proposals for the same competition.

The proposal aims to find a unitary and organic response to the different areas, through a design based on the reinterpretation, in a contemporary and resilient key, of the “padano” landscape, which is characterised by the balance between cultivated fields, water networks and agricultural artefacts such as farmsteads.

The latter are characterised by important roofs and delicate balances between inside and outside and between relational spaces and operational areas.

A sort of rediscovered Lombard landscape, based on the dialogue between the natural and the artificial components, where water is the qualifying and active element.

It starts from the Lambretta park, conquers the Palazzo di Cristallo involving it, and reaches the water square, where the existing tower, memory of a glorious recent past, dialogues with the great roof of the building.

The design concept of the “Magnificent Factory” has in the first instance the aim of organising in a clear and pragmatic way all the rich functional programme of the building with a single compositional solution.

This option solves in a coherent and effective way the two possible scenarios proposed by the announcement and links deeply the new volume to the expansion project of the park, where the “Magnificent” (im)poses as a conclusive theatrical backstage and as an evocative incipit of the exploratory journey inside the “magnificent” world of the Teatro della Scala.

The water tower becomes a key element of this new scenario, the landmark of a new public space to the north, overlooked by the accesses (both public and employees’) to the Magnificent and the Multifunctional Hall.

On this front, the building, given the impressive functional programme of the required square metres, is configured as a new urban infrastructure bridging Via Caduti Marcinelle with a large roofing pitch that ideally laps the ground, mitigating the visual impact of the volume from the park but highlighting its own roof pattern.

For the expansion of the Lambretta park, a series of north-south backgrounds by the alternation of wooded areas and open fields is imagined to scan, measure and blend with the surrounding landscape.

An alternation of solids and voids that finds environmental corridors and wideranging perspective views, as in the case of the flowery field or in the case of denser and shadier systems, within the mass of which small sports clearings and areas for urban agriculture find space.

A proposal for an overall redevelopment involving the areas close to the flyover, where small pavilions will be introduced which can be used for various types of association and sports activities, and which will also be equipped with important pergola systems capable of mitigating the visual impact of the flyover above and absorbing as much as possible the noise pollution produced by it.

2941-BOC-MXP.IT-2022 — Posted in 2022 — Explore more projects on cultural cultural center and refurbishment — Climate: humid subtropical and temperate — Coordinates: 45.483298, 9.256946 — Team: GGA, NEOSTUDIO, DODIMOSS, Francesca Icardi, Mattia Bocchini — Consultant: Technion SpA; Stefania Toro; Marianna Cavallotti; Linda Parati; Dario Paini; Margherita Squeo; Luca Lunedei; Alessandro Busci — Views: 2.880