Model Church
Architects: Michal Wasielewski, Kinga Lukasinska
Client: Unknown
Status: Research
Location: Wrocław, Poland
Coordinates: 51.08103, 16.55225
Climate: Continental, Temperate
Material: Concrete
Environment: Undefined
Visualizer: Studio
Scale: 1.490 ㎡ Medium
Types: Church, Religious

The location of the church is a new model district – Nowe Zerniki, Wroclaw. The estate set the standard for model living of present society. Likewise, the temple is created for modern people and tries to adjust to changing needs of inhabitants.

The conception is focused on the community. A church, as a public building, should comprise a feeling of belonging to a neighborhood. Moreover, thanks to a vibe of designed temple, followers can hush and take a rest.

The interior of the church is a typical public space open for people similarly to a city square. A circular plan of main hall encourage the community to integration. Generally followers sits around opposite to them but people can create their own setup of chairs.

Main hall is a place of interpenetration of holiness and dailiness. The large oculus create a vibe of sacrum and sunlight in a interior illumines the daily life of local community.

Post date: 25/02/2019 | Views: 7.111