New Science Center is a selected proposal by Cavejastudio and OlivieriOffice for Fondazione IDIS in 2014. It is located in Naples Italy in a seaside setting. Its scale is medium. Key materials are concrete and wood. Concepts such as plinth sloped roof viewpoint and parallel blocks are explored. Review the 2 proposals for the same competition.

The project of building is made at the conceptual level by two elements: basement and first floor/roof. The dialogue between their parties and have different characteristics, related to specific environments. In summary from the lower level, comparable to the Platonic cave, it climbs upstairs, where it develops a permanent exhibition area, bright area of knowledge. The lower part of the long building enters into a dialectical relationship with the soil and from it originates and matter. The stereometric and ribbed base is the ground floor and recalls the powerful rustication of the Church of Gesu Nuovo. If the lower part of the museum is conceptually linked to the ground, the upper floor is ideally linked to the sky and the horizon, it is fully glazed and open to the sea, sheltered by a projecting metal cover that protects from the summer sun. The upper floor of the new building, flexible and able to adapt to any type of arrangement, is able to accommodate the best museum function.

1438-CAV-NAP.IT-2014 — Posted in 2016 — Explore more projects on cultural and cultural center — Climate: mediterranean and temperate — Coordinates: 40.811354, 14.168078 — Team: Kristian Fabbri, Francesco Mariani, Federico Tassinari, Ylenia Donati — Views: 9.539