Port-city is a proposal by UNStudio for Municipality of Las Palmas designed in 2004. It is located in Las Palmas Spain in a seaside setting. Its scale is extralarge. Concepts such as urban transformation and transport network are explored.

The re-development of Port-City in Las Palmas is designed to establish synergy between Port and City and create a lively, urban environment for residents and tourists by presenting a contemporary face and providing a new space for public events. The waterfront is turned into an integral part of urban life, using design to interpret and redirect the complex natural and cultural identity of the location. The design transforms the area from an industrial non-place into a metropolitan hotspot. Improved connections and a direct relationship with the waterfront form the core of the project. For the Port-City a carefully balanced program, a sustainable and mixed-use development is proposed. Deploying the latest technologies for water treatment and construction ensures an environmentally friendly re-development of the site.

0376-UNS-LPA.ES-2004 — Posted in 2012 — Explore more projects on masterplan port public space and transport — Climate: hot and semiarid — Coordinates: 28.147636, -15.418610 — Team: Ben van Berkel, Caroline Bos, Tobias Wallisser with Astrid Piber, Alicia Velazquez and Holger Hoffmann, Dag Thies, Michaela Tomaselli, Ramon Hernandez, Ali Eray, Joakim Kaminsky, Colette Parras, Elke Uitz, Matthew Johnston — Co-author: L-P-A (Laboratorio de planeamiento y arquitectura Juan Palop), Bonifacio Jiménez, Alejandro Pérez Carmona Engineering, Arup David Johnston, Richard Bickers, Flavio Tejada Gorraiz, Patricia Maria Gallego Barba Program, Feasibility (designconvergence Pablo Vaggione, J.M. Iribas Jose Miguel Iribas) — Views: 4.461