The Way of the Buyi is a winning proposal by Jakub Andrzejewski and Agnieszka Kołacińska for 120 hours in 2017. It is located in Puan City China in a urbanization setting. Its scale is extrasmall with a surface of 100 sqm. Key material is wood.

First, we asked ourselves, how to answer needs of very local community, even thought we are not capable to fully understend their culture. All we had was an idea how life in that place may look like. Dwellers of Ginhou province lead simple lifes, without an access to electricity and global media. Most of them are working in agriculture and minery.

Project ”In’n’out village» is designed as an extension to LiangMeng school complex, located in the rural area of Puan City, China. It consists of 25 modules, each fulfiling role of a canteen and library at the same time. Based on very simple idea, reaches cognitive and emotional needs of Bui children.

The main concept of the project is to reinterpretate rural chinese village. A reason for that is to grasp young users awarness, with use of architectural language they can understand. Design points out three main characteristics of these villages and uses them as basic to architectural design – organic plan, multiplication of the roofs and immersion to the landscape.

As the space was limited up to 100 m2 and the number of future users is relatively big the project had to be as adjustable and multifunctional as it could be. Moreover it had to serve seemingly excluding activities – reading and eating. Each module has both library and canteen functions, and the distinction between functions depends on whether the users are facing each other or turned to the surrounding greenery. In each hut we designed a box, wich is a table and shelter for the books.

1905-WSK-CN-2017 — Posted in 2017 — Explore more projects on education library and school — Climate: hot and tropical — Coordinates: 25.781315, 104.942583 — Views: 5.033