Zatec Sports Hall is a winning proposal by MACH and IDEA for Žatec City Council designed in 2022. It is located in Zatech Czech Republic in a countryside setting. Its scale is medium with a surface of 6.700 sqm an estimated budget of 8.000.000 € and a ratio of 1.194 €/sqm. Key material is wood.

We imagine the new Sports Hall of Žatec as a sustainable landmark settled inside a green park. The project is informed by old rural architecture by wrapping a complex sport program under one single pitched roof at this point of the city of Žatec. The building tries to bring domestic atmospheres in architecture to a large scale project by defining small and medium interstitial spaces between the outdoor park and the main training indoor area. By this means a unique and sensitive wooden roof underlines and confidently organizes the indoor spaces and programme.

2932-WMA-CZ-2022 — Posted in 2022 — Explore more projects on sport and sport center — Climate: continental and temperate — Coordinates: 50.317170, 13.547039 — Team: IDEA (Carlos Maristany Ortiz, Luis Bellera Fernández de la Cruz, Eduardo Palao Valverde); MACH (Laia Gelonch Llongarriu, Marc Subirana Ribera) — Views: 5.995