Assouindé primary school is a proposal by Angelo Renna and Cecile-Diama Samb developed in 2017. It is located in Assouindé Côte d'Ivoire in an undefined setting. Its scale is small. Key materials are metal and wood.

The new project of Assouindé’s primary school is a new canteen building developed to accomodate 200 kids of the village during lunchtime. Assouindé is a village in Ivory Coast.The canteen is organized around two main spaces, the «salle à manger» and the «cuisine». A main roof covers both spaces allowing a better air flow as well as a sun and rain protection.

The main space, the «salle à manger», is surrounded by a unique long bench that encloses the space and offers a sitting area for the kids during lunch. This space has also been thought as a meeting point for the villagers during social events. The «cuisine» is the space used to prepare the food for the kids’ lunch. It connects itself to the «salle à manger» thanks to a large opening. The canteen is being realised according to the usual construction methods and materials which are found in the village.

2235-ANG-CI-2017 — Posted in 2018 — Explore more projects on education and school — Climate: hot and tropical — Views: 9.041