Cotton museum
Architect: Brito.Rodriguez
Status: Project (2012)
Visualizer: Studio
Scale: Medium
Types: Cultural, Museum

A vast cotton field consists of subtle elements that define different levels of depth. The appropriation of space is a tactile and sensory experience emphasized by the serenity of the natural environment. In the landscape, attention is focused around the lightness of cotton elements and the sensory experience of the place.
A subtle gesture, which is not imposed on the landscape, expresses three horizontal platforms that create intimate spaces where light is absorbed by the earth’s natural texture and voids accentuate the depth of the mass.

In the appropriation of space by movement, the body moves between elements of cotton and into the ground. The walls become immersed into silence and establishes a relationship with the limits of space, weight and density of the earth.

These are voids sculpted into the empty field, warm in winter and cool in summer. It is an intervention that is generated from its environment and establishes a closeness with the elements of nature, the earth, and place.
With a single material, the Cotton Museum is the same color of the earth, its expression is anonymous. It accentuates the matter, space, depth and scale of the place. Flat roofs, in their essence, are an expression of silence in architecture and its relationship with the landscape. Earth is the material of choice.

Post date: 21/08/2013 | Views: 2.452