Daegu Gosan Public Library is an honour mention competition entry by Gillot + Givry for Daegu Metropolitan City in 2012. It is located in Daegu South Korea in a park and urban setting. Its scale is medium with a surface of 3.100 sqm. Key materials are glass and metal. Review the 7 proposals for the same competition.

A common library has two main functions: storing books and reading them. Books can be read on site or taken away. But as they are shared by many people and frequently moved a lot, they can be damaged quite fast.

Virtual contents

We can wonder how new technologies, can apply to libraries. Here is a proposal for library that would mainly use virtual contains. As thinking about South Korea as a world technology leader, could these skills change the way to design architecture? Since use of tabs is a common thing in Korean urban population, it is possible to create a library based on a wireless network.


By digitalizing library’s contents, the original documents can be compacted into very efficient storage. As it is not anymore in contact with the reading spaces, the quality of conservation can be pulled to its most appropriate level. This great possibility allows you to store an unlimited number of books without impacting on space taking on people areas.

Compactness for people

The use of compact storage elements is a huge economy in terms of space. The consultation space has more planning possibilities. On one hand you could regret the former customs, like walking through book lanes, touching books and looking at cover designs, but the benefits seems to be great enough to switch to the old system. The compactness of the library storage lets spaces free to welcome users better and in a numerous way.

Wireless network and thematic spaces

By using a wireless network, the intern geographical constraint for dedicated spaces, is no more a structuring parameter. People can be mobile; their position in space is ruled by an architectural choice and not a thematic assignation anymore. A wireless tab principle allows a well adaptive space where people can meet more easily.

What about books?

Some people may want to see the real books. For different reasons you can be interested by using the original contains. This is a possibility that has to be maintained, but as it would be more exceptional, this option could be restricted to students, researchers or older people who are not used to tab technologies.


As the planning is totally free from thematic parameters, we can imagine spaces made for different types of consultations. Reading, writing, watching movies, listening to music, working in groups; these functions can make us think about all the atmospheres or ergonomics of furniture needed.

Urban impact

The urban approach is led by the will to create a discreet building. With an underground level and some office boxes, the project looks like a ground floor building. Keeping the quality of an urban void that is a breath to urban context.

Glazing facades, free plan, vegetal representation

The glass walls all surrounding the plan and the patios, gives generous views on park trees and street context. The whole occupation of the space is obtained by furniture, curtains and green plants making the different spaces.

0665-GIV-TAE.KR-2012 — Posted in 2012 — Explore more projects on education and library — Climate: continental and temperate — Coordinates: 35.837913, 128.710542 — Team: Vincent Gillot, Eleonore Givry, Yuna Yi — Views: 6.303