Interventionszentrum Zoll is a proposal by Dürig Ag for Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Bundesamt für Bauten in 2017. It is located in St. Margrethen Switzerland in an industrial setting. Its scale is medium with a surface of 9.500 sqm a budget of 46.000.000 € and a ratio of 4.842 €/sqm. Key materials are concrete and metal. Filippo Bolognese collaborated as visualizer.

The program in the building is horizontally layered. The traffic control uses are located at the base, the administrative services are located at the top of the garden level, and the parking is located in between in an open deck. This program layering gives the building its directly derived, distinctive architectural expression.

3124-DÜR-CH-2017 — Posted in 2023 — Explore more projects on headquarters and institutional — Climate: temperate and oceanic / maritime — Team: Jean-Pierre Dürig, Gian Paolo Ermolli, Tobias Noe, Raphael Bosch — Consultant: Dr. Deuring + Oehninger AG, Amstein + Walthert AG, IBV W. Hüsler AG, Demmel & Partner Baumanagement — Views: 1.116