☉ Izmir Selcuk Cultural and Yotuh Center is a proposal by Burak Mangut and Saadet Kok for Selcuk Municipality designed in 2016. It is located in Ephesos Türkiye in an urban setting. Its scale is large with a surface of 6.470 sqm. Key materials are concrete and stone.
In the process of design of Ephesos Cultural and Youth Center, basic design approaches are;
– A life which envelope the existing trees and a semi-closed courtyard is organized
– Open, semi-open, and closed spaces are located to generate an active sequence
– The configurations about mass variations are accumulated randomly in an orthogonal grid system
– The building program is represented by various functional and spatial subgroups
– A horizontal clustering is generated according to human scale
Ephesos Cultural and Youth Center is organized to generate their internal dynamics according to the context and urban environment which is located in. The building generates relationships with primary and secondary urban roots. Existing trees, semi-closed courtyard, public spaces, and semi-public foyers are articulated to this urban sequence. The semi-closed courtyard which contains various spatial layouts supports various activities in various hours of day.
The building has an introvert spatial organization. The relations between functions and spaces are displayed through the open and semi-open spaces. This gradual development supports both accessibility and human scale, and generates a horizontal urban interface.
Ephesos Cultural and Youth Center has a morphological and contextual analogy with ancient Ephesos city. This similarity is a fragmentary variation which contains various layers and pieces, rather than a superficial assimilation. Building is designed in a similar pure and classicist approach despite the scale difference.