Matran Primary school Extension is a winning proposal by STUDIO4 for Commune de Matran in 2021. It is located in Matran Switzerland in an urban setting. Its scale is medium with a budget of 8.000.000 €. Key material is wood.

The project offers a clear answer to the challenge of the competition that requires the construction of a new extension of the Matran school circle instead of the 1991 one. The layout of the building respects the current topography and the axes of composition. The project, through the choice of a simple and studied geometry, respects and operates the base formed by the basement of the 1991 building. Indeed, the project limits the number of interventions to a minimum while clarifying the spaces and their relations with each other.

The north-south pedestrian path is maintained and enhanced through its integration with the covered route. The latter is largely preserved and the connection with access to is guaranteed a covered connection between the school and the gym. The project is compact and sensitive to the topography of the site. The extension consists of three different orientations in the plan to reduce its volumetric impact on the site and to better respond to the difference in altimetry. The play of full and empty consists of creating breathing spaces and a clear orientation to the main access to the circle school in the north by establishing the entrance to the building in a clear and practical way.

1147-S4A-CH-2021 — Posted in 2022 — Explore more projects on education and school — Climate: humid subtropical and temperate — Team: G.Maddalena, O.Hartmann, E.Blanchaert, S.Mignosa — Views: 1.256