Square and multi-storey car park is a second prize competition entry by AFSa for Comune di Cles in 2021. It is located in Cles Italy in an urban setting. Its scale is medium with a surface of 1.000 sqm a budget of 3.000.000 € and a ratio of 3.000 €/sqm. Key material is concrete. Slim studio collaborated as visualizer.

The massing of the project is characterized by a simple and linear geometry, measuredly embedded into the context through a stepped profile gently marked by a regular texture, a rhythm of pillars and pilasters in light gray concrete to which metal panels act as a counterpoint and signal accesses. The architectural language of the new emerging elevations is memory and abstraction both of references to the national architectural tradition, such as the colonnade, as well as to the local social and productive culture, specifically to the seriality of concrete poles for fruit growing that characterize, especially in the winter season, the man-made landscape of the Val di Non. The public spaces are imagined as devices for observing the landscape, privileged views towards the park and the surrounding mountains.

2938-SFA-IT-2021 — Posted in 2022 — Explore more projects on parking public space square and transport — Climate: humid subtropical and temperate — Coordinates: 46.363131, 11.033520 — Team: Pietro Seghi, Antonio Acocella, Alessandro Falaschi — Collaborator: Fiamma Leoncini, Francesco Martella — Consultant: Consilium srl (Leopoldo d'Inzeo, Leonardo d'Inzeo); Luca Alfinito Geologist. Terra & Opere srl (Gabriele Paolini) — Structural engineer: aei progetti: Niccolò de Robertis — Landscape: Gianna Galgani — Views: 1.683