The Longest Bar in the World is a winning proposal by Bjarke Ingels Group for Carlsberg A/S in 2012. It is located in Copenhagen Denmark in an old town setting. Its scale is large. Key materials are brick, glass, metal and wood.

CarlsWorld is a world-class brand & experience center targeting Copenhageners and visitors of all ages who are looking for exciting new experiences and who wish to be challenged, engaged and entertained by one of the world’s strongest brands. CarlsWorld introduces a total experience of the Carlsberg Brand from its beginning in 1847 until today. The main attraction will be exploring and enjoying the Carlsberg brand along the Longest Bar in the World. Carlsberg’s history is unique and constantly evolving. We and we therefore propose a flexible icon as the main attraction, an icon that gives room for both the history of the Carlsberg brand and for future developments.

The Bar

How do you create a contemporary experience while preserving a heritage building? Our goal has been to make the bar and CarlsWorld completely contemporary, just as in the past Carlsberg’s architecture has always been contemporary. We have tried to find a material for the bar that emphasizes the heritage of the exciting Brewhouse instead of competing with it.

We are suggesting a bar that is white with a glowing top and bottom. In this way we believe it will contrast with both the raw concrete industrial spaces and the highly detailed central space. The new bar is built from locally sourced wood; it is lifted 5 cm from the floor and has a glowing, LED underside. The top surface consists of white translucent plexi that is also illuminated with LED lights.

Entrance Bar

The main entrance to CarlsWorld is through the existing main entrance. We suggest opening up the façade by adding glass and replacing the big heavy doors with transparent glass doors on each end of the bike and pedestrian path. The Longest Bar in the World begins outside of the building as white glowing LED lamps in the pavement in front of the entrance.

Introduction Bar

The first room you will visit after hanging your coat is the Introduction Bar, dedicated to J.C. Jacobsen. Here he will welcome you and introduce you to Carlsberg: what is in the bottle and what came out of the bottle. You will find an interactive timeline and a labyrinth leading you through, for example, Carlsberg commercials and advertisements throughout history.

At the beginning of each programmatic function, the top surface on the continuous bar will be replaced with a display where visitors can move further into facts and history within the specific fields. These displays might for example include facts on how many football teams Carlsberg has supported worldwide, what scientific inventions occurred on the Carlsberg site or the amount of art funding Carlsberg contributes every year.

This bar is tailored to the Brewhouse and the Elephant Gate, acting as a connection between the two spaces, but it could also easily act as a model for other brand and visitor centers within the Carlsberg Group. In connection with each function you will find a bar that serves beer – the main attraction is beer! This creates the possibility of hosting special events and renting out individual sections of the Longest Bar in the World while the house remains open to the public. Overall we are suggesting seven bars where you can taste Carlsberg and its sub-brands: one each in the Music Bar, the Sport Bar, the Art Bar, the Central Space and the Science Bar, and two in the Global Bar. In the Global Bar visitors will have the opportunity to taste every beer of the Carlsberg Brand.

Roof top bar

How do you create a landmark within a 6 floor building surrounded by towers? On top of the New Carlsberg Brewhouse we suggest ending the CarlsWorld visit with a global restaurant and bar where visitors will be able to taste all brands and sub-brands in the Carlsberg group. From the beginning our intention has been to preserve the existing buildings as much as possible. We have tried to interact with the surrounding context by letting the bar move out of the existing building in four places: from the Science Bar towards the north, from the Elephant Gate facing east down Ny Carlsberg Vej, through the existing roof on the west side and finally floating out onto the street as the Neighbor Bar. CarlsWorld will in this way be visible from all sides within the area.


The New Brewhouse and the Elephant Gate already attract many visitors each year. The buildings constitute a significant part of the heritage of Carlsberg and for that reason they are naturally listed. We suggest minimizing the degree of demolition in the Brewhouse: the building has a great story to tell, both in the wellmaintained central space distinguished by its copper kettles and in the somewhat rougher, industrial character of the two neighboring spaces. The empty cut-outs in the floors, the seemingly random columns added over time and the hanging bridges are telling a story about what once took place in this building– here people brewed high quality beer. This is the reason for everything that came out of the bottle and the reason why this building is now turning into CarlsWorld.

The Longest Bar in the World works as a flexible icon throughout the entire New Carlsberg Brewhouse, keeping visitors on track and at the same time transforming itself into distinct shapes according to the various attractions and experiences: an interactive digital timeline, a 3D cinematic maze, a football penalty competition wall, a science lab, a global restaurant & skybar, etc


Experience a live concert in the Music Bar. Review newly acquired modern art. Perform challenging experiments in the Science Bar. Compete with an entire football team in foosball. Try beers from different markets in their original settings… With its distinct rooms and experiences, the Longest Bar in the World serves as a unique type of meeting place that offers multiple and diverse ways of connecting and communicating with people. Each room in the New Carlsberg Brewhouse could be rented by companies for smaller events or as the meeting place for Copenhageners at the weekly “Friday Bar.”

Sport Bar

The entrance to the Sport Bar is located next to the central space on 3rd floor. In here you might play with a real football, watch matches on the big screen or enjoy a game of foosball with your entire football team on top of the elephants. The Sport Bar runs through three very different spaces: a regular square room with visual connection to the big copper kettles, a double height room with bridges and stairs that overlap and finally the high-ceilinged room above the Elephant Gate.

Music Bar

The Music Bar is located on the 2nd floor right next to the entrance space; this gives CarlsWorld the potential to host music events while the rest of the functions may be closed down. The Music Bar takes the shape of a long bleacher bar from which you can view the extraordinary, cathedral like triple height room which accommodates a stage, a round bar and a long curved bench. A large number of small round speakers are suspended above the entire space, acting as a transparent carpet and giving you a complete musical experience.

Shop and Neighbor Bar

After visiting the Global Bar, the central stairs or the elevator will take you down into the Shop Bar and towards the exit. The Shop Bar is the Carlsberg Brand store where you can buy various brand-related items and maybe even build your own bar. The northern part of the Shop Bar serves beer as well, so that on warm days you can drink a beer while overlooking the more local neighborhood on that side of the Brewhouse. This public space is called the Neighbor Bar.

Science Bar

The Science Bar is situated above the big art and music space. Along the folding bar you can participate in various experiments, look at the stars through the skylights or enjoy a beer on the Skywalk Bar that overlooks the neighborhood north of Carlsberg. The Science Bar is the last stop before the Global Bar.

Art Bar

From the Art Bar visitors can look down into the Music Bar. The bar acts as a ramp between two floors, crossing through an existing circular opening. The exhibition is changing – you will always be able to experience new art here.

Global Roof Bar/ Global Bar

The Global Bar occupies two floors: from the central space you take a short stair and discover a large, circular room. This round space is a new roof building that we suggest placing on top of the existing roof and connecting to the 5th floor. From here you can enjoy a panoramic view over Søndermarken and the rooftops of Frederiksberg and Vesterbro.

In the summer you can enjoy a beer on a roof terrace and throughout the year you can follow the bar and choose between every beer from the Carlsberg brand: you might drink an Egyptian beer in the Carpet Bar, hang out in the Saloon Bar or sit in the French Table Bar. From the Roof Bar you can take the stair down into the lower Global Bar, where you can sit back in the Hammock Bar, play in the Beach Bar, take a swim in the Pool Bar overlooking the Ny Carlsberg Vej or relax in the Ice and Sauna Bar.

0367-BIG-CPH.DK-2012 — Posted in 2012 — Explore more projects on cultural cultural center and refurbishment — Climate: oceanic / maritime and temperate — Co-author: Atelier Brückner, e-Types, Davis Langdon — Views: 5.139