Plaça de les Glòries is a proposal by Bosch Capdeferro Josep Bunyesc Aulets dataAE H Arquitectes López-Rivera Núria Salvadó David Sebastián TEd'A arquitectes Unparell d’arquitectes and Vora for Ajuntament de Barcelona in 2014. It is located in Barcelona Spain in an urban setting. Its scale is extralarge with a surface of 270.000 sqm a budget of 168.000.000 € and a ratio of 622 €/sqm. Review the 4 proposals for the same competition.

Barcelona is one of the cities with more vehicles and with one of the highest indexes of contamination in Europe. 95% of Barcelona’s Eixample’s surface is covered by buildings, paved sidewalks and asphalt. Only 5% of its surface is not paved and therefore permeable. We are in front of an evident disequilibrium that makes us think that perhaps, the great opening that will result from the demolition of the ring in Plaça de les Glòries should be left unbuilt for some time, without making it impermeable.

Allow the city to enjoy a great void, stabilized temporarily by means of great tree plantations of different species. Barcelona doesn’t need more construction, more cars, more paved and impermeable surfaces. Barcelona’s Eixample asks for more public transportation, more bicycles more trees and more green areas.

We propose reducing progressively the vehicle traffic until Gran Via can be cut off when arriving at Glories, becoming thus a destination and starting point rather than a bypass, a new centre for Barcelona and a new model for the city. Barcelona needs a great green lung that spreads through the streets around Glories and into the City.

We believe that some of the existing buildings within the scope of the project could be reutilized. We firmly believe in refurbishing and improving the energetic efficiency of these buildings. A model for economic growth more sustainable than demolition. A model to extend to all of the city’s buildings. We envision light interventions, reversible and transformable, that allow present and future activities. Future scenarios that our generation cannot presently anticipate.

1296-VOR-BCN.ES-2013 — Posted in 2015 — Explore more projects on intervention public space refurbishment and square — Climate: mediterranean and temperate — Coordinates: 41.4034004,2.1846808 — Collaborator: Bernat Colomé, Adrià Guardiet, Fran Pérez, Iago Pineda, Marc Díaz, Jordi Mitjans, Simone Lorenzón, Adrià Vilajoana, Toni Nieto, Nicola Scandroglio, Raquel Del Amo, Savvas Salpistís, Duna Homedes, Marta Banach, Luis Borunda, Sergi Valero — Consultant: Pcg, Roser Vives, Núria Garcia Soto, Intra sl, Societat Orgànica, Manel guàrdia, Urbanitas — Model maker: Iago Pineda, Juanjo Guardiola, Toni Poch, Sandra Prat, Anca Stefan — Views: 3.903