Serlachius Museum Gösta is an honour mention competition entry by Tapia + Figueiras Arquitectos for Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation in 2011. It is located in Mänttä Finland in a forest and riverside setting. Its scale is medium with a surface of 4.895 sqm. Key material is concrete. Review the 16 proposals for the same competition.

We place our extension in the western end of the park, towards the most western area of the existing museum. It will also use as a bordering element between the park and the forest located towards the west. We try to be as little invasive as possible, so our building emerges from the ground to join to the existing building in a lateral point. This connection will have an adequate size and it will be over the porch of the existing building. The purpose of this element of connection of small proportions is not to predominate in any of the two buildings, but our objective is to create a symbiotic relation between them.

The particularity of our proposal is in the conception of the building and in the confrontation between two concepts, immobilism against renewal. The first concept refers to the tendency that can be observed in the area of intervention, both with the architecture (it observes the maintenance of almost any buildings of the area) and with the vegetation (it observes the value that is given to the initial design of the park at the end of the twentieth century) and the landscape (the park-like yard on the northern and western sides is shielded by the grove currently in a natural state).

The second concept, the renewal, refers to the extension that will emerge from a clear and vigorous expression that, in some ways, will be even independent of the own characteristics of the ground. In this way it achieves a relation of constant feedback between both buildings which is generated by the contrast of formal different characteristics of both.

The building

The building starts from a “spine”, formed by different pergolas and skylights, from which all the rooms emerge. The winding curve of the main skylight recalls the meanders of the course of the stream Vuohijoki. It is a line drawn over the emptiness which provides a new order and meaning to that place. The main skylight becomes the connection of all the pieces of the building, attracting under it the main traffics of the building.

The parts of the building of greater level and surface are those that correspond to exhibition rooms. They are facing north and the indirect natural light is provided for them through the different skylights that form the ‘spine’. The smaller pieces are those that are created from the edge of the extension, they are closer to the ground and also have better views, better lighting and a more human  scale as they are the restaurant, the offices and, conference and pedagogy areas.

0335-TYF-FI-2011 — Posted in 2012 — Explore more projects on cultural and museum — Climate: artic / polar and cold — Team: Marco Tapia López, Carmen Figueiras Lorenzo — Views: 5.410